Our Mission

Tri-Cities Timeline covers the events relating to the tragic murders of Amber Rodriguez and Angelica Santos based on investigative journalism by Tumbleweird.


Inform readers of the events leading to the deaths of Amber and Angelica in a clear and easy to follow format.


Investigate how this happened, particularly investigating systems and policies that failed to protect Amber, Angelica, and their children.


Provide readers with information on what can be changed to prevent future tragedies, who is currently working towards those changes and how to support them.

Amber Rodriguez, 31, Huizar’s ex-wife and victim.

Elias Huizar, 39
Facebook: Yakima Police Department

Angelica Santos, 17, Huizar’s underage victim.

Donate to support Amber and Angelica’s families


This timeline contains details of domestic violence and sexual abuse, including of children. I have tried to strike a balance between providing details without being gratuitous. I have included pictures and quotes from Amber and Angelica because I want to make sure we always humanize them.
-Chiarra Lohr



Huizar arrested

While attending Dickinson State University in North Dakota, Huizar was arrested in the fall of his senior year. First Huizar was accused of terrorizing people with a knife during a fight with other students. The next night Huizar was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing in connection to a burglary at the same house the fight had occurred at. All charges were dismissed.

Source Document (police report)

Source Document (news article)

Source Document (Tumbleweird article)


Fall, 2009

Amber met Huizar while in high school

Amber met Huizar when she was a senior in high school at Sunnyside High School. Huizar was assisting with the wrestling team, though not in any official employee or volunteer position from the school district.

“She was likely 17 years and three months old . . . His age at the time was 24 years old.”

Source Document


June 17, 2013

Yakima Police Department hired Elias Huizar

Huizar is hired as a police officer by the Yakima PD.

Source Document


August 31, 2018

Huizar assigned to be the SRO at Washington Hills Middle School

Huizar’s first day as the School Resource Officer at Washington Hills Middle School after the Yakima Police Department assigned him there.

Source: Tumbleweird article


January 11, 2019

Huizar broke up a fight between Angelica and another student

While at school, Angelica and another student were involved in a physical fight. Huizar, as the school resource officer, broke up the fight by himself. Angelica was suspended for 5 days, the other student was not. Vice Principal at Washington Middle School, Sara Cordova, noted that:

Angelica had a history of fighting and disrespectful behavior which lead[led] to the decision to impose that punishment as a form of progressive discipline.”

Source Document p.22


Mandatory Reporting in WA

Mandatory reporting in Washington State: “If you are identified as a mandated reporter, you are required by law to report your concerns [reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect] to the local Children’s Administration (CA) office, Child Abuse Hotline or law enforcement.”

Mandatory reporters include law enforcement and professional school personnel. Reports must be made within 48 hours. School districts have their own reporting protocol, but mandatory reporters must report or cause a report to be made.

“Mandated reporters who knowingly fail to make a report, or cause a report to be made, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor (RCW 26.44.080)”

This information is provided as context for the decisions of the Washington Middle School staff, all of whom mentioned would have counted as mandatory reporters.

Source Document

January-February 2019

School noted that Angelica seemed infatuated with Huizar

Washington Principal William Hilton stated that after the fight incident they noticed Angelica was following Huizar around campus and standing by him in the mornings and during lunch. Principal Hilton talked to Angelica and her grandmother about the behavior and told Angelica to stop doing it. This was not reported to the Yakima School District (YSD) or the Yakima Police Department (YPD).

Source Document p. 25

March 5, 2019

A student reported Angelica said she was dating Huizar

A student reported that Angelica was posting messages on SnapChat that she and Huizar were dating. Principal Hilton stated the student who made the report had a history “of making false accusations and he didn’t feel it was valid” (p. 25). Vice Principal Cordova stated other students began reporting the same thing to the School Security Officer and to the office (p.23).

Principal Hilton talked to Angelica about the postings and she denied making them. Angelica’s grandmother denied that it was true. This was not reported to the YSD, DSHS/CPS or YPD. Principal Hilton said “We handled it – we couldn’t verify it” (p.25).

Angelica was 12 at the time.

Source Document

May 8, 2019

Several students reported Angelica saying she was sexually active with Huizar

Principal Hilton had the students write out statements. The school also took pictures of the messages the students said Angelica had sent over Snapchat. The first statements are dated May 8.

Angelica is telling the whole school that she is dating the officer and they did it in his house and the car and they text about sexting.”

Source Document

May 17, 2019

Angelica put on emergency expulsion

A student’s parent called the school to say that his daughter told him that “Angelica was going around school telling people that she lost her virginity to Officer Huizar and that there were having a relationship” (p.15).

Principal Hilton met with Angelica and her grandmother and showed them the posts and statements. “Angelica denied that she made the posts and said her account must have been hacked (p. 26). He then put Angelica on emergency expulsion.

A later report by Captain Boyle, YPD, made this statement about the expulsion: “Cordova [Vice Principal] and Hilton [Principal] explained they believed Angelica was seeking attention and the allegations were false. They both believed Angelica was not telling the truth about the incident and that is why they expelled Angelica for the false allegations.” (p.8)

May 17, 2019

Yakima School District and Huizar notified

Principal Hilton notified the Yakima School District Office. He also informed Huizar that “that rumors were being spread about me.” Principal Hilton did not inform the Yakima Police Department.

May 21, 2019

Huizar informed the Yakima Police Department

The Yakima Police Department was not aware of the allegations of Huizar having a sexual relationship with a student until May 21. Huizar was told to report to the police department instead of Washington Middle School.

Source Document

May 21, 2019

Huizar removed from Washington Middle School

YPD reassigned Huizar to other duties in the police department while they investigated the allegations. He never returned to Washington MS but after the investigation closed he later worked as the School Resource Officer at Franklin Middle School, also in the Yakima School District.

Franklin Middle School is the SRO job the Richland School District contacted as part of their hiring process. Huizar’s full job application is still exempt from public records requests, so we do not know if the SRO position at Washington Middle School was listed.

Source Document

May 22, 2019

YPD officers interviewed Principal and Vice Principal

In the morning of May 22 two YPD officers, one a special assault unit detective, went to Washington Middle School. They interviewed Principal Hilton and Vice Principal Cordova. The officers also collected incident reports and notes from Angelica’s expulsion and past discipline reports as well as copies of the instant messages shared by students.

The YPD also discussed the best way to handle the investigation, including having an outside investigation.

Source Document

May 23, 2019

Yakima Police Department notified CPS

A YPD officer made a formal referral to notify CSP of the allegations, though the later records show that the DCYF (Division of Children, Youth & Families) did not assigned a social worker for investigation (p. 43).

The officer also contacted Angelica’s grandmother to make sure their family had access to available resources and have a victim advocate assigned to work with Angelica. With the grandmother’s permission, the officer contacted ASPEN victim advocacy.

“[The grandmother] told me that she did not believe the poor officer” did anything with Angelica and that she didn’t want to see the officer suffer harm for something that didn’t happen.” (p.17)

Source Document

May 24, 2019

YPD collected the student statements

A YPD officer collected records at Washington Middle School. The officer collected copies of Angelica’s school records (with a signed release), the profiles of the student witnesses and their written statements. To protect privacy rights, the officer logged the written statements into evidence without reviewing them.

Read More

June 3, 2019

Attorney General’s office began an investigation

Senior Investigator Graham from the Attorney General’s office assigned to assist the YPD with the sexual assault investigation.

June 3, 2019

Angelica’s first day back at school after her emergency expulsion

Principal Hilton met with Angelica that morning before class and “told her not to talk about why she was suspended or talk about Huizar.” He also informed Angelica’s grandmother that this was a condition of Angelica’s return to school.

Source Document (p.26)

June 6, 2019

Senior Investigator Graham interviews Washington Middle School staff

Investigator Graham from the Attorney General’s office first met with the Yakima Chief of Police and other staff, then went to Washington Middle School to interview the Principal, Vice Principal and Security Officer. Each relayed a history of the events and their actions thus far.

“Asked if she[Vice Principal] has any concerns about Huizar or his conduct at school with Angelica or any other student, Cordova said she doesn’t. She said she doesn’t believe the ruomors or postings are true.” (p.24)

“Asked if he had any concerns about Huizar, Hilton[Principal] said that when Huizar first started at the school there was some questions about the humor he was using around students. It was reported to him by some teachers that Huizar was making comments such as ‘I’m your daddy’ to students. Hilton said he counselled Huizar about it . . . he flt Huizar was doing it simply to be funny.” (p. 26)

“He[Washington School Security Officer] didn’t want to get involved with it[the allegations] because it was a serious matter and he would refer any student who would talk about it to Principal Hilton. He said he never interviewed any student about it.” (p.27)

Source Document

June 5

Investigator Graham met with Angelica’s Victim Advocate

Though communication between the advocate and Angelica were private, the advocate “noted that she is a mandatory reporter and was able to state that Angelica had not made any disclosures of sexual contact with Huizar or by any other adult.” (p.33)

June 6-7, 2019

Investigator Graham interviewed students who wrote statements

With Vice-Principal Cordova present, Investigator Graham interviewed each student who had written a statement about the allegations. Investigator Graham informed each student they were not in trouble, did not have to talk to him, and asked each to be truthful. No parents were present.

The students’ written statements included various reports about what Angelica had said: that Angelica had lost her virginity to Huizar, that he sent her pictures of his penis, that they had sex at his house and at school, that Huizar was leaving his wife for her.

None reported having ever seen Angelica and Huizar together outside of school.

Source Document (p.29)

June 6, 2019

Investigator Graham met with Angelica’s grandmother

Investigator Graham interviewed Angelica’s grandmother privately while the advocate sat with Angelica. The grandmother stated that she does not believe the rumors are true and that Angelica denied making the posts. She stated that she always knows where Angelica is, she drives Angelica to and from school, that Angelica does not go to any activities on her own or have sleepovers with friends, and that Angelica has not had any unexplained absences from the family.

“She said Angelica is very upset about the other students spreading rumors about her at her school.”

Source Document (p.35)

June 7, 2019

Investigator Grahman interviewed Angelica

Investigator Grahman conducted a child forensic interview Angelica with her advocate present, but not her grandmother. Angelica denied the rumors were true and said they had come from a group at girls at school. She said she didn’t know anything about Huizar’s house or car. She said she did not send the snapchat messages, that another friend had made her account under than username and she had forgotten the password.

When asked if she was still feeling suicidal, as mentioned in some of the texts, “she said that she had thought about what it would be like if she were dead and then this all would be over. She said those feelings started when this all started.” But that she was no longer feeling that way and resources were discussed.

Source Document (p.37-38)

June 7, 2019

Follow up interviews

Investigator Graham met with Sergeant Deccio, YPD School Resource Officer Program Supervisor, who stated he became of aware of this incident May 21 or 22, and he had responded to the student fight in January but that Huizar had not informed him of ongoing concerns.

Stacey Lock, Execute Director of Safety and Security for YSD. Lock stated that the YSK is conducting an internal investigation, focusing on “the school’s response to the student and the handling of the potential disclosure by school staff in relation to mandatory reporting procedures.” She stated the YSD office was not notified of the incident in January or of any on-going issues.

Investigator also interviewed Angelica’s mentor and youth group leader. Both said Angelica had not made any disclosures about a sexual relationship with anyone.

Source Document (p.39)

June 7, 2019

Follow up investigations

Investigator Graham investigated the place in the school where Huizar and Angelica alleged had sexual intercourse, the door of which is in full view of the common area and security cameras.

Investigator Graham also investigated the restaurant that Huizar allegedly took Angelica to, but they did not have security cameras.

June 12, 2019

Investigation Concluded

Washington’s Attorney General’s office investigation of the allegations that Huizar was having sexual relations with Angelica concluded.

Investigative findings: “No independent evidence of sexual contact between Angelica and Huizar has been identified in this investigation.”

Source Document

Summer 2019

YPD failed to write up Huizar for a mandatory reporter violation.

After the Attorney General’s investigation closed, a separate internal YPD investigation found that Huizar failed to report the allegations as part of his mandatory reporter obligations. Murray, YPD Police Chief at the time, wrote up a reprimand for that policy violation, but failed to complete it in the time frame required by the union contract and Huizar did not receive any discipline for that violation.

Source Document


Would a mandatory reporter violation have affected Huizar’s hiring by the RSD?

Since the YPD did not complete the mandatory reporter violation in time, it was not on Huizar’s record. If it had been, would that have excluded him from being hired by the Richland School District?

September 30, 2019

Huizar filed a protection order against Angelica

Huizar filed a petition for an Order of Protection Respondent under 18 against Angelica.

The temporary protection order is approved on 10/2/19 and the full protection order is approved at the hearing on 10/10/19.

Source Document



Angelica a year after she met Huizar

Photo of Angelica and her brother.

December 2020

Elias on leave from the YPD

Huizar is described as being on leave from the Yakima Police Department for personal reasons or PTSD in several documents. The reason for the leave is not known. When Tumbleweird inquired the reason for the leave, Chief Murray, YPD Police Chief during this time, responded.

“I am unable to answer that question. My understanding is that this specific protection remains after death.”

During his divorce, Huizar told the court he left his job with YPD because of post-traumatic stress and had received counseling.

Source: Tumbleweird article How did this happen

Tri-City Herald article: Ex-officer blamed ‘Mother State’ for troubles before 2 shocking W. Richland killings


Why was he on leave?

And why hasn’t that been disclosed? If it is protected information, why hasn’t that specific rule been shown to us, like we’ve seen in other documents?

Source Document


March 29, 2021

Incident between Amber and Huizar at Wiley Elementary

Principal Paul Chartrand at Wiley Elementary contacted the police for a disturbance between Amber and Huizar over the parenting plan. The incident reports describe the argument as only verbal, however these statements were included in the Officer’s supplement.

“RP [Reporting Person – Principal] said Huizar was yelling at RPS father [Amber’s father] . . . M [Huizar] was stepping towards the RPS father [Amber’s father] and the principal stood between.”

Source Document

March-August 2021

Huizar made police reports and CPS reports against Amber

During their divorce, Huizar made reports to both the West Richland PD and CPS against Amber. The reason for the reports vary, from allegations of fraud, threats made against him, and child abuse.

Tumbleweird has obtained these incident reports through public records requests and will provide more information as we update this timeline.

April 2021

Huizar under internal investigation by YPD

The Yakima PD conducted an internal investigation for misconduct “as a result of conduct that occurred off-duty involving a family household member” [incident at Wiley Elementary].

Source Document

October 31, 2021

Amber on Halloween

November 19, 2021

Huizar started his Richland School District application

According to the statement from the Richland School District, Huizar began his application process for a substitute position with the district on Nov. 19th.

RSD Hiring practices

December 2021

Huizar criminally investigated by Union Gap PD

During the internal investigation by YPD about the incident at Wiley Elementary, “un-confirmed information suggesting he [Huizar] had engaged in a relationship that could have been illegal prior to working as a police officer was disclosed.” The criminal investigation was given to the Union Gap PD rather than handled internally.

This report was sent to the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission.

Source Document


January 14, 2022

Criminal investigation by Union Gap PD closed

The criminal investigation for sexual misconduct investigated whether Huizar’s relationship with Amber or his college girlfriend began when either woman was still a minor. The relationship with the college girlfriend was confirmed to have started once both Huizar and the girlfriend were adults.

The investigating officer also interviewed Amber and reported that he was unable to establish probable cause for sexual misconduct. This is his statement about the interview in the report:

“First, Amber is not a cooperating victim. In her statement she was willing to enter into a relationship with Huizar. She expressed what appeared to be genuine concern about Huizar being arrested and what that would do to her safety. She mentioned often that Huizar was not of sound mind, has told her he hears voices, was short tempered and controlling of her actions.”

Source Document

January 31, 2022

RSD received a reference for Huizar

The principal of Franklin Middle School in the Yakima School District-where Huizar worked as an SRO after the allegations of sexual misconduct with Angelica-rated Huizar a ‘very good’ candidate for the substitute position.

RSD hiring practices

February 2-10, 2022

Hiring Process

Huizar completed the steps in the hiring process for working as a substitute teacher in the Richland School District. These steps included:

  • A reference from the Vice Principal of Franklin Middle School in Yakima rating Huizar as an excellent candidate.
  • A drug screening that came back clear.
  • Fingerprints taken and run through background checks with the Washington State Patrol and FBI. Both background checks came back clear.
  • Mandatory training.
  • Application and issue of an Emergency Substitute Certificate. The application included the questions, which Huizar answered no to both and then signed an affidavit certifying the information in the application was correct.
    • “Have you ever resigned from or otherwise left any employment while allegations of misconduct were pending?”
    • “Are you currently or have you ever been the subject of an investigation or inquiry by an employer because of allegations of misconduct?”
  • Yakima School District sent RSD the Washington State Sexual Misconduct Disclosure Release with the box checked for “No sexual misconduct materials found.”

RSD Hiring practices


How did nothing show up in Huizar’s background check?

Huizar was never charged for anything following the investigations into the allegations of sexual misconduct. In fact, both investigations closed with no findings of sexual misconduct. So those would not have shown up on a background check.

However, a separate background check of Huizar run by a different potential employer shows the charges for terrorizing and criminal trespassing, even though the charges were later dropped. So why did they not show up on the background check by RSD? Or if they did, why was Huizar’s background check considered clean?

Source Document


What was on Huizar’s application?

Why do all of the references and prior employment information seem to come only from Franklin Middle School and the Yakima School District? Did Huizar just not list Washington Middle School, where the alleged sexual misconduct with Angelica took place? Even if he didn’t have sexual misconduct in his record, did fail to follow mandatory reporting policy, why was that not in his record with YSD?

Though he worked in school his employer was the Yakima Police Department, were they not contacted?

Unfortunately we won’t know what was on Huizar’s application as those records are still exempt. ““…Those records are still exempt under RCW 42.56.250(1)(B) even though Mr. Elias Huizar has passed away.” -RSD Records Specialist Nayomi Mungia

Source Document


How did the incident at Wiley Elementary not come up in the hiring process with RSD?

That disturbance happened in front of an RSD school against a current RSD employee and raised concern enough with the YPD to open an investigation. Yet nothing about it comes up in the information RSD has shared about his hiring process. Neither do the multiple interactions with the West Richland PD in 2021

February 10, 2022

Huizar hired by the Richland School District

Huizar was hired by the RSD as an emergency substitute teacher (an emergency substitute teacher does not have a teaching degree or license). He completed all steps of the hiring process including a drug screen, references from Franklin Middle School, clearing a background check, and ‘No sexual misconduct materials found’ on the Washington State Sexual Misconduct Disclosure Release sent from YPD.

We have more documents getting into the details of Huizar’s hiring that we will add as we update the timeline.

Source Document

February 14, 2022

Notice of Officer Separation

After being on administrative leave for over 1 year, Huizar resigned immediately following the internal affairs division findings, though the findings would not have amounted to termination on their own.

“Officer Huizar is not eligible to be re-hired by the Yakima Police Department.”

Source Document

February 2022-June 2023

Huizar worked as a substitute for RSD

Huizar worked as a substitute teacher for Richland School District, primary at Jefferson Elementary where he was a building substitute (he worked at one school covering for whoever is out that day). During this time he also volunteered as a wrestling coach at Richland High School.

Mid-July, 2022

Angelica becomes pregnant

An ultrasound photo recovered at Huizar’s house during his February 2024 arrest indicated that
Angelica conceived Baby Santos in mid-July, 2022, when she was only 15 years old.

Source Document

October 26, 2022

Huizar contacted Amber’s boss

Huizar contacted Paul Chartrand, principal at Wiley Elementary where Amber worked, and sent their court documents in violation of court orders that neither Amber nor Huizar contact each other’s employers.

Source Document

June 14, 2023

Huizar’s last day working for RSD

According to the Richland School District, Huizar did not work or volunteer again after the end of the 2022-2023 school year. This does not mean he was let go, only that he did not take any more substitute teaching jobs from the list.

Source Document


How and when did Huizar reconnect with Angelica?


February 3, 2024 at 12:42 am

Huizar allegedly sexual assaulted another minor

A West Richland PD officer was dispatched to Benton City, where two girls reported a sexual assault by Huizar to Benton County Deputies, one a witness [Angelica] and one the victim [Angelica’s 16 year old friend]. What follows is a narrative based on the police report.

Angelica and her friend reported the following to the police:

  • Huizar, Angelica and her friend were all drinking at Huizar’s house, where Angelica lived with Huizar and their 9 month old child.
  • The friend and Angelica went into the guest room and fell asleep.
  • Some time later, Angelica woke up to see Huizar sexually assaulting her sleeping friend.
  • The girls confronted Huizar, collected the baby and left in a car.
  • Huizar tried to prevent them from leaving the house and then followed them in a different car.
  • He drove away after the girls found a Benton County Sherrif.

Source Document

February 3, 2024 at 4:50 am

Huizar arrested

Following the report by Angelica and her friend, the WRPD dispatched an officer to Huizar’s house. After confirming someone was in the house, the officer called for additional units and SWAT was dispatched. Huizar refused requests by the police to exit the house.

At 4:50 am SWAT forced entry through the front door and Huizar was taken into custody without incident.

Source Document

February 3, 2024 at 6:25 am

Search warrant of Huizar’s house

During the execution of a search warrant of Huizar’s house, the WRPD found the following:

  • Wet bedding in the washing machine matching the description of the bedding from the guest room
  • a pair of underwear matching the description of the victim’s underwear
  • a Glock 23 pistol
  • a Colt rifle
  • $15,260 cash
  • an ultrasound photo belonging to Angelica indicating she was 15 when she conceived

Source Document


What happened to Angelica and her friend?

The officer and Benton County Deputy attempted to contact their parents. The friend declined to go to the hospital. After they reported the assault, Angelica and her friend were left in the care of the Benton County Deputies.

What then? Angelica had a 9 month old baby and just fled her home. Where did she go?

Source Document

February 6, 2024

Huizar released on bail

After the 72 hour hold following his arrest, Huizar’s bail was set at $250,000 and Huizar was released after a bond was posted. The court also entered an order prohibiting him from contacting the victims and from possessing firearms. The firearms seized by the SWAT team when he was arrested were not released to him.

“Because Mr. Huizar had no known convictions and because he resided in Benton County the $250,000 bail that was requested and granted by the court was appropriate based on the information we had at the time. Obviously if we could have anticipated the tragedy that would later occur, we would have asked for an even higher bail setting. Based on what we knew of the case, we asked for a higher bail setting than we would typically ask for based on the standards provided in Criminal Rule 3.2”
-Eric Eisinger, Benton County Prosecuting Attorney

CrR 3.2(a) states there is presumption of release unless there is likely interference with witnesses, likely commission of a violent crime, or a risk of flight.

Source Document

February 7, 2024

Amber filed a petition for Protection Order against Huizar

Amber filed a protection order against Huizar for herself and her two sons. She listed the alleged rape in February as the recent incident that made her want the protection order and included a news article of the arrest. She also stated that her oldest son had disclosed seeing Huizar and Angelica having sex.

“Elias Huizar harassed me since I separated from him December 8, 2020. Throughout our marriage Mr. Huizar was verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive to me.”

Source Document

February 7, 2024

Amber’s protection order denied

Amber’s temporary protection order was denied without a hearing with the reason “No Basis” marked on the form.

“Failed to disclose dissolution case/parenting plan filed in Yakima County. Also, only evidence provided was a copy of a news article.”
-Judge Bronson Brown

Judge Brown is up for reelection in 2024.

Source Document

February 8, 2024

RSD requests reports from WRPD

After the news broke of Huizar’s arrest for alleged rape, the RSD requested those records from the West Richland Police Department.

Source Document

February 8, 2024

Huizar charged with rape

The state of Washington charged Huizar with 2nd degree rape (for Angelica’s friend), 3rd degree rape of a child (for Angelica), and for allowing persons under 21 to drink alcohol on his premise.

Source Document 1
Source Doucment 2

February 9, 2024

Amber filed a 2nd protection order

Amber tried again to receive a protection order against Huizar for her and her children. She requested the protection order include an immediate weapons surrender, electronic monitoring, mental health and chemical dependency evaluation, and treatment for sex offender and domestic violence perpetrator.

“I believe the respondent is a flight risk as he has previously taken our children in 2021 . . . I believe the respondent will flee and take our children with him if he has access to them.”

Source Document

February 9, 2024

2nd protection order approved

Amber’s 2nd temporary protection order was approved, a hearing date set, and the protection order served to Huizar. The protection order was approved by Judge Jacqueline A Stam.

Judge Stam up for reelection in 2024

Source Document

February 14, 2024

RSD removed Huizar

RSD removed Huizar from the substitute and volunteer portals and issued a No Trespass notice for all RSD properties.

Source Document

February 22, 2024

Hearing for protection order excludes Amber

In the hearing for the protection order, Judge Andrew Howell approved the protection order for Amber’s children, but crossed off the inclusion of Amber herself. He also did not include the surrender weapons, electronic monitoring, evaluation or treatment requests.

Judge Howell appointed 2022, next election information unknown

Source Document


How did Angelica end up back at Huizar’s house?

Did Angelica and her baby have any place to go after she left Huizar’s house?

April 21, 2024

Huizar and Angelica together at family event

Both Huizar and Angelica attended a gathering with Angelica’s family in Yakima Valley. Afterwards she went to West Richland, bringing their one year old son. Her phone’s location service placed her in the Tri-City area around 11:00 pm, then the signal was turned off.

Source Document

Late April 21-early morning April 22, 2024

Huizar murdered Angelica

He stabbed her 9 times while she fought back, then cleaned up and laid her body on a plastic drop cloth in the living room.

Source Document

April 22, 2024 at 3:23 pm

Shooting of Amber at Wiley Elementary

At 3:23 pm WRPD were dispatched to an active shooter at Wiley Elementary School (final bell is at 3:15 pm). The school surveillance cameras captured Huizar approach Amber as she was near the school bus parking lot. Huizar shot Amber in the back and continued firing after she fell to the ground. He shot her a total of seven times, then fled. Traffic cameras show that he did not return to his house but immediately fled for Oregon.

Amber was already dead when the police arrived. Her nine year old son reported witnessing the shooting.

Source Document

April 22, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Angelica found dead at Huizar’s house

The WRPD found another homicide victim, later identified as Angelica, while serving a search warrant at Huizar’s house.

Source Document

Turning point

The gun

Huizar’s release on bail after being charged with rape included a prohibition to posses firearms and the two guns seized by SWAT during his arrest were not returned. However, he was not ordered to turn over all his weapons and he had a third gun still in his possession.

The arrest report indicates that during the stakeout of Huizar’s house, the police received a call from someone (name redacted) who stated his girlfriend had been talking to Elias. This person advised the police that Elias

owned 3 firearms.

Source Document

April 22, 2024 after 9:00 pm

Amber Alert

The WRPD issued an Amber Alert for Angelica’s one year old son.

Source Document


Why the delay to search the house and discover the baby was missing?

This started with Amber being shot at 3:23 pm. But the search warrant isn’t served and Angelica found until 8 pm. And the Amber Alert for her baby didn’t go out until even later. Why did it take so long?

April 23, 2024 around 3:00 pm

Huizar and baby found

Oregon State Police identified Huizar driving on Interstate 5 near Eugene, and pursued him for about 25 miles. Huizar fired on the police, who returned fire. Huizar called them during the chase and demanded the police stop shooting at and ramming his car since he the baby in the car with him. Huizar then into the rear of a semi truck and the car was stuck in the median. As the police approached heshot himself in the head and later died. The baby was found unharmed in the car and taken safely into custody.

A bullet proof tactical vest and two boxes of ammunition from the Yakima Police Department were found in the car. The YPD is looking into why Huizar still had those items three years after leaving the department.

Source Article 1 Source Article 2 herald article


May 17, 2024

Judge Swanberg in Huizar’s rape case resigned

Judge Sam Swanberg resigned his position as a judge with plans to return to private practice work. His press release stated his resignation had nothing to do with Huizar’s case, but was due to an investigation by the WA Commission of Judicial Conduct into his own allegations of domestic violence.

Source Document